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Education is a fundamental right, a powerful weapon of development and intellectual growth. It has many benefits both for an individual and for societies as a whole. Find educational and pedagogical tools here to improve and further promote your learning and that of children. It is important to recharge your batteries in order to acquire, develop knowledge and skills in multiple fields, namely science, technology, arts, languages and much more to better understand the world around us and to be better prepared to face life's challenges.

On the school level, education is the key that allows our children to be better educated and to promote their cognitive development because they acquire knowledge and skills that can be used in their personal lives. Education is an important investment in the lives of our children.

In the active society, it is essential to be better informed in order to understand the social, economic and political issues encouraging to participate actively in a community or a society. Educated people are more likely to find better paying and more stable jobs. Education is essential and important to enable people to realize their project and strengthen the development of societies.

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