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orange money payment API for Woocommerce

General information about the orange money API

The Payment API is a technical tool designed for transaction processing. Therefore, the implementation of an online store necessarily involves the integration of several services, so we can mention the service of means of payment.

E-commerce sites include several payment methods such as payment by credit card, visa, MasterCard each has an API. Indeed, there is a simple and fairly fast means of payment for online stores, thus facilitating customer transactions. It is with this same vision that the orange money payment API was developed for e-merchants in particular and businesses in general. This payment solution makes it possible to accept orange money payments on its online store and other mobile platforms. A plugin ready to be installed on your site click here.

ORANGE MONEY API: A simple payment solution

The orange money plugin for Woocommerce is used on WordPress sites. It allows the customer to easily pay for their order via their orange money account. In addition, for merchants from other African countries, there is an international payment API order here and from Cameroon see here. Indeed, the integration of this API on your site allows you to keep your store open because the service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, There by increasing turnover.

Visit our store here to discover other useful APIs for your site.

Posted in: Small Deals

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