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General information on the DOHONE payment API

The DOHONE payment plugin is a payment tool that allows e-merchants to accept payment for customer orders made via orange money, Mobile money, visa and many other payment methods. This all-in-one module offers a possibility to accept payments from different methods. The plugin allows you to use the dohone payment gateway with the Woocommerce plugin. As a result, there is the dohone payment module for PrestaShop order here for sites that are designed with PrestaShop and the dohone payment module for WordPress order here for sites developed under WordPress. In addition, DOHONE for PrestaShop allows a user to make secure payments via his orange money account, Mobile money, visa etc. This leaves a wide choice to users and merchants to use the payment method that suits them. DOHONE for WordPress allows you to accept payment for orders made on the orange money account, mobile money, express union money, visa and many other means of payment on your online store.


Advantage of DOHONE Plugin for Merchants and Customers

The DOHONE payment plugin is a great necessity for merchants because it allows to implement a simple and fast payment method especially for local consumers. This facilitates the growth of returns for professional, personal or commercial activities. Help reduce expenses and improve payments. This module has the advantages for customers in that it allows a customer to easily pay for his order with a means of payment to which he is accustomed because orange money is a widely used and easy-to-use means of payment. Customers will be able to easily pay their bill via orange money and many more

dohone payment module

Follow us to learn how to Install Dohone on your WordPress site here and PrestaShop here.

Posted in: Small Deals

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